If you have student loan debt, its important to start planning now for how you will resume payments. An option to keep in mind is the Student Loan Cash-Out Refinance option. This type of mortgage refinance allows homeowners to use their home equity...
Articles and resources to help you succeed every step of the way.
How DSCR Loans Open Doors To Real Estate Financing
Non-QM loans are designed to cater to borrowers who may not meet all the criteria of a Qualified Mortgage (QM) but can still repay the loan. They offer more flexible lending options and are often used for borrowers with unique financial situations...
Prepaids Closing Costs: All You Need To Know
When you're buying a home, it’s important to factor in closing costs. These are the fees paid to various parties involved in closing your real estate transaction. This includes your lender, title company, and appraiser. Another expense in closing...
Credit Score Myths Corrected
Your credit score is a driving force when it comes to what mortgage program you may be eligible for, what your interest rate will be and other important factors. Many people believe that they can’t get a home due to their credit score and put off...
Pre-Qualified vs. Pre-Approved – Know the Difference!
Navigating the mortgage world can feel overwhelming, especially with terms like "pre-qualified" and "pre-approved" getting thrown around. While they sound similar, understanding the difference is crucial for your homebuying journey....